Saturday, 26 March 2011

Fred Penner deposits blog with Chainsaw

My blog hunting today started with a trip to the bus stop, where I saw this guy.  As you can see he contains infinite knowledge (the fur conceals it everywhere but his eye), he told me "the blog you seek lies with the man who walks through logs".  I knew just who this was and assuming Canadiana attracts Canadiana I knew just where to find him.

This is Fred Penner or as he was known throughout my childhood "the guy who goes through the log," I found him at a place called Chainsaw. 

So, this guy, who used to have a kid's show on the CBC, is now doing a tour of campus pubs and playing requests (which included a bunch of folk standards, the alphabet, and even an attempt at Stairway to Heaven).  He seems to have made great catch of the popularity of irony, and the best bits of blog were definitely the ones found overheard:

"There are grown people, with drinks in their hand, sitting on the floor, singing along"

"Everyone's just so happy....if it was anyone else...everyone just... just Fred Penner's awesomeness"

"It must be like weird for him.  Like when he wrote these songs he was thinking of like little kids, and now were all like drunk."

1 comment:

  1. I am impressed, your blog is so much more interesting than my tumblr, does that mean you've won? I hope not.
